Best of the Best Winner
TIM has been recognized by Argentum as an innovative program that advances excellence and improves the future of senior living.

We are honored to be acknowledged by Argentum – the leading national association with membership representing 75 percent of the senior living industry. “The Best of the Best Awards give us all a chance to hear the inspiring stories behind innovations that can make a lasting difference in the health, independence, and quality of life for residents and stronger engagement for those working in the industry,” said James Balda, Argentum president and CEO. “We’re pleased to be able to celebrate these offerings and the companies who cultivate them.”
Honorees are featured in the July/August issue of Senior Living Executive magazine.
While it’s not often talked about, incontinence affects up to 49 percent of senior living residents; it can lead to serious health problems and raises costs for families and providers. Belmont Village, in collaboration with TIM, developed a research-based, comprehensive approach called Total Incontinence Management (TIM). Caregiver education and selection of correct protocols and products for each resident has led to a 28 percent average decrease in falls, a 54 percent decrease in UTIs, and good to strong approval in caregiver surveys.
Partnering with Belmont Village, TIM developed a research-based, comprehensive approach to improving the life for residents and their families.
From the beginning, we took a research driven approach in developing, implementing and evaluating outcomes. Total Incontinence Management (TIM) is a consistent, systematic approach that helps licensed clinical staff and non-licensed caregiving staff optimize the management of incontinence within the Belmont Village community. It centers on resident experience and takes in the whole of their health and environment.
It Starts with Education
The program is based on four pillars: Education, Protocols, Product and Outcomes. Comprehensive education is provided to all stakeholders. This includes learning tracks for both licensed and non-licensed staff that covers types of urinary incontinence, common incontinence causes, managing incontinence, skin health, bladder health, sleep fragmentation, fall prevention and product selection.
Protocols refers to assessing and identifying root causes and when possible, slow the rate of progression of incontinence. A simple continence assessment decision algorithm was developed to identify continence level. Proper evaluation of incontinence levels facilitates the resident-centered program, which includes interventions by both licensed and non-licensed staff, available therapies and proper product selection.
The quality of continence products has significant impact on the resident’s outcome, therefore product was identified as the third pillar. A key element to a successful continence management is consistency and application of selected continence products. We identified products specific to our TIM program that were superior in absorbency, odor control, comfort fit, leak guards, and maintaining health skin pH. We work directly with the manufacturer creating opportunity to collaborate on future product enhancements and advance the field of continence management in assisted living by publishing three research articles in Geriatric Nursing.
Outcomes Tell the Story
Continence programs can incorporate multiple outcomes, including but not limited to:urinary tract infections reductions, risk reduction of falls, agitation reduction, sleep hygiene improvements, odor reduction/control, skin management, caregiver burden, and consumer/staff satisfaction.The first year of program implementation we decided to focus on decrease in falls, decrease in UTIs and staff survey.
Two months after implementing TIM, Belmont Village realized a 28% decrease in falls and a 54% decrease in Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
In addition, caregivers answered "agree to strongly agree" on surveys of better skin health and better mood among residents. Families also praised the program because it allowed them to plan and purchase the right amount and right kinds of products, so they don't overspend or run out.
The collaboration is continually working to improve the program and TIM just launched a video training certification course for caregivers.
Contact our care specialists to introduce the TIM program to your community.